About Me

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Bryan, Texas, United States
Hi, my name is Sarah Dowell & I am based out of Bryan, Tx. I just started looking into photography a couple of years ago & God showed me that I really have a talent for it & gave me a desire to continue with it. I love taking pictures. So many possibilities Because I am an amateur photographer, I charge $30 an hour with unlimited shots & outfit changes. I edit my favorites & post my favorites on my blog/facebook/flickr & give you a cd of all of the shots plus the ones that I edited. Just comment on this blog if you would like me to do your pictures! Enjoy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Psalm 96:12
Let the fields & everything in them celebrate! Then let the trees of the forest shout for joy.
Can you see how this flower is totally praising God? It's shouting God's glory in the most gentlest yet powerful ways imaginable, by just existing. I think God made the pretty flowers as a reminder of why we're here on earth, to praise God & bring glory to Him in every aspect of our lives.
Think about when it rains. The rain beats down on the flowers but we know that it won't kill the flower because the rain is needed to help it grow, & we also know it needs sunshine. It's the same thing when we're walking with the Lord. He sends us storms to endure & we know that it is to grow & shape us so we can glorify Him. He also sends us blessings [aka sunshine] that grow us as well!
Praise God for everything He does for us! & praise Him for the storms, "though sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes with the morning!"

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