About Me

My photo
Bryan, Texas, United States
Hi, my name is Sarah Dowell & I am based out of Bryan, Tx. I just started looking into photography a couple of years ago & God showed me that I really have a talent for it & gave me a desire to continue with it. I love taking pictures. So many possibilities Because I am an amateur photographer, I charge $30 an hour with unlimited shots & outfit changes. I edit my favorites & post my favorites on my blog/facebook/flickr & give you a cd of all of the shots plus the ones that I edited. Just comment on this blog if you would like me to do your pictures! Enjoy!

Monday, May 31, 2010


Galatians 6:14
But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, & I to the world.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Psalm 148:3
Praise Him, sun & moon; Praise him, all stars of light!
Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him. I've noticed that this is pretty much all the Psalms really focus on...Praise Him! Even the sun is commanded to praise Him!
God so deserves the praise. Great things He has done!!!
Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!

Friday, May 28, 2010

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are 7 million. - Walt Streightiff

Just some pictures I took today of the kids playing, mostly on the trampoline.
Enjoy! :]



Mark 10:13-16
And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant & said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." & He took them in His arms & began blessing them, laying His hands on them. 
This is my sister Karli for those of you who don't know, she is such a joy & reminds me so much of the children that are talked about in this passage in Mark. These children wanted to see Jesus & tried to come to Him but His disciples rebuked them because they were children. How often do we do this with young children? Yes they may not know a whole lot because they've only been living for a small amount of time but God still uses these sweet blessings in miraculous ways. I can't tell you how many times Karli has walked into my room & said, "Sarah, I want to give you a hug," right at the moment I needed one. In this passage, Jesus uses the children's example to show the disciples that even children can enjoy Jesus' presence & that their faith is just as strong as the disciples' faith.
Thank you God for little children & how they touch the lives around them in some of the smallest, yet most significant ways!
How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers. - Mother Theresa

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brothers & Sisters are as close as hands & feet.




Model Poses

Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes! - William Wordsworth

Matthew 6:27-29 MSG
Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.

Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair... - Susan Polis Shutz
Where flowers bloom so does hope. - Lady Bird Johnson
Earth laughs in flowers. - Henry David Thoreau
Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forgets the flowers at his feet. - Jeremy Bentham
We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. - Abraham Lincoln
God has sown His name on the heavens in glittering stars; but on earth He planteth His name by the tender flowers. - Jean Paul Richter
There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. - Anais Nin

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello all blog/photo-a-day followers,
I'm back!!! Graduation is done & my new camera is here!! :]
Like I said, sorry I hadn't been posting any photo-a-day stuff recently. I hope that you all will forgive me as well as enjoy all of the posts to come!
God taught me a little lesson on patience while waiting for my camera to come in. What a great lesson & the reward is so much greater for waiting, but I'm glad the wait is done! So here is my first photo-a-day post with my new camera!

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
How great is it to have God's peace? He's always given it to me when I've asked for it & recently I was just overwhelmed by His peace with situations in my life. It's a peace that is so calming that I don't even worry or even think about anything else bringing joy & happiness along with it. So relaxing, so inviting. It's crazy & totally unfair for us to even consider having this because we as sinners certainly do not deserve it yet God is gracious enough to grant us His peace anyways because He loves us that much! Praise God!
I hope you all are able to see "peace" in this picture. I tried my hardest to capture it, but sometimes its one of those things that you just can't explain.
God Bless

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hello Everyone!
Sorry I haven't been posting any photo-a-day posts. I got really busy with graduation & such. I will begin posting new ones soon, just as soon as I get my NEW CAMERA! I am so excited about this & can't wait to get it. So be watching for new blog posts sometime next week!
Thank you all so much for your support!

Friday, May 7, 2010


1 Timothy 2:1-2
First of all, then, I urge that entreaties & prayers, petitions & thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings & all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil & quiet life in all godliness & dignity.
This verse became so real when Obama was elected president last November. My family was especially worried because my dad works for the United States Postal Service, but God has provided immensely so. My dad still has his job & God has seen fit to bless him for the work that he does. I do not know why God allowed for Obama to be elected President but I do know what God tells us to do when an authority figure is elected that does not fit with God's description of a righteous man. But God's ways are not our ways & He has a plan, even when we do not see it. So please let this be reminder to pray for our President & that God would use him for His glory.

Hannah Hoelscher & Caitlin Dowell Best Friend Birthday Photoshoot

Hello everybody, hope this blog post finds you well & blessed.
This photoshoot was so much fun. The occasion was for these best friends' birthdays [each of them have impacted my life greatly in their own way] as their birthdays are 3 days apart & the past couple of years I have done a photoshoot of them as their present. This year was so much fun, so many outfits & really no limit on time, so we just had a ton of fun with it. All of the hair, make-up, & outfit coordination was done by themselves!
Thank you Mrs. Hoelscher for letting me borrow your camera!

If y'all could be praying for me that would be awesome. I have come to discover that I hold my back a certain way when I'm doing photoshoots & afterwards it is rather painful, so if y'all could be praying that my parents & I find a solution for this problem or that God would heal me completely, that would be amazing!

Hope y'all enjoy these pictures! If you would like to see them bigger, then just click on the image & it will blow it up for you. Leave comments on which ones are your favorites. I would love y'alls feedback! :]

No editing on this one at all!

No editing on this one at all!